[Lazarus] TProjectDescriptor doubt

Mattias Gaertner nc-gaertnma at netcologne.de
Tue Jan 24 09:53:32 CET 2012

On Mon, 23 Jan 2012 23:16:31 -0200
silvioprog <silvioprog at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> It's possible to clear the icon of the project, and change the
> "Application Settings"? Please see: http://imagebin.org/195178

Of course. Your screenshot show one possibility - the project options.

> So, it's possible don't generate the "{$R *.res}" directive? See:
> http://imagebin.org/195179

Yes. Another possibility is to create a "console application" or
"program" (Project / New Project).

> The supposed configuration would be:
> (...)
> function TFoo.InitProject(AProject: TLazProject): TModalResult;
> var
>   LE: ShortString;
>   VSource: string;
>   VProject: TLazProjectFile;
> begin
>   Result := inherited InitProject(AProject);
>   VProject := AProject.CreateProjectFile('cgi1.lpr');
>   AProject.AddFile(VProject, False);
>   AProject.AddPackageDependency(SLWS);
>   VProject.IsPartOfProject := True;
> //  AProject.Icon.Clear; <<-- Here...
> //  AProject.UseAppBundle := False; <<-- Here...
> //  AProject.UseManifestFile := False;
> (...)
> There is some documentation for TProjectDescriptor?

Very little. I will write a few lines.

See the examples in ide/projectdefs.pas

What do you want to do?


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