[Lazarus] Building help files: the nitty-gritty

Mattias Gaertner nc-gaertnma at netcologne.de
Fri Jul 13 11:43:10 CEST 2012

Mark Morgan Lloyd <markMLl.lazarus at telemetry.co.uk> hat am 13. Juli 2012 um
10:54 geschrieben:

> > I've been working through this several times with the intention of
> > putting Lazarus docs build (from source) plus FPC docs copy (from
> > binaries) into my usual build/installation scripts, but am finding that
> > the FPC (RTL etc.) stuff is only picked up intermittently. Is there a
> > cache to be cleared somewhere or something comparable?
> I see from the .txt file that RTL etc. help is supposed to not work in
> the Lazarus IDE at present. But it doesn't not work all the time, on a
> couple of occasions it's been fine but I can't pin down the conditions.

Just put the fcl, rtl, prog, ... chm files into docs/chm and lhelp will open
them. Even links between them should work.

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