[Lazarus] Web-services

michael.vancanneyt at wisa.be michael.vancanneyt at wisa.be
Thu Jul 19 17:23:03 CEST 2012

On Thu, 19 Jul 2012, Ian Godman wrote:

> On 19/07/12 14:28, michael.vancanneyt at wisa.be wrote:
>> On Thu, 19 Jul 2012, Ian Godman wrote:
>>> Hi
>>> I am trying to get Lazarus to connect to a Java based web service. The
>>> web service is in Java because its on an existing webserver and will
>>> provide information and services etc from that site.
>>> I am using Apache CXF and Jersey for the web services. With Jersey I
>>> have a working restful webservice, with CXF I have been able to build
>>> the service but not the client.
>>> I have used WST to generate the classes from the WSDL which appears to
>>> work well.
>>> However when I try to run the client I get the following exception:
>>> Project webservice raised exception class 'EserviceConfigException' with
>>> message invalid parameter: 'AProtocolData'
>>> Searching Google I found that the solution was to add soap_formatterto
>>> my uses which I have done but still get the same error.
>>> I have changed to use the wst_CreateInstance_HelloWorldEasy (always
>>> start with 'hello world' :-) ) and teh invalid parameter error goes away
>>> to be replaced with
>>> Project webservice raised exception class 'EXMLReadError' with message:
>>> in 'stream:' (line 1 pos 145): root element is missing
>> Can you post the response from the server ?
>> You can make the response visible on the console by adding the
>> logger_extension
>> unit to your uses clause.
>> Michael.
>> --
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> The service is not being called, Lazarus code is failing before the
> request is made so there is no server response.

Well, you get a read error. 
Reading is normally done only when you get a response.

Did you specify an end point (address) when you create the service ?


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