[Lazarus] Adds Gauge component on Lazarus

Giuliano Colla giuliano.colla at fastwebnet.it
Fri Jul 27 16:56:13 CEST 2012

Mark Morgan Lloyd ha scritto:
> leledumbo wrote:
>> I think we already have them:
>> http://wiki.freepascal.org/uE_Controls
>> http://wiki.freepascal.org/BGRAControls#TBGRAKnob
> I've looked at the uE stuff in the past and for some reason decided it 
> wasn't appropriate. I really can't remember whether this was because it 
> required some non-portable underlying library, or what my excuse was :-)
Time ago, I fell in the same trap: for fpGui I simply took the TGauge 
component which I had lifted from Delphi and adapted to Lazarus, with 
the changes required to make it work in fpGui environment.

Then Graeme pointed to me that I had been using copyrighted material, so 
I rewrote the code, making it different from the Delphi original.

Now in fpGui you may find a TGauge component, which has inherited the 
functionalities of the Delphi component (plus some extra) but doesn't 
share code with Delphi. Anybody can lift it from there, and adapt it 
back to Lazarus environment (where it originally came from).

I was planning to do it myself, but being quite busy and also lazy, I've 
been always postponing. If nobody does it before, one day or another 
I'll do it.


Giuliano Colla

Before activating the tongue, make sure that the brain is connected 

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