[Lazarus] Lazarus and Free Pascal downloads plummeting on SourceForge

Martin lazarus at mfriebe.de
Mon Jul 30 23:03:32 CEST 2012

On 30/07/2012 20:18, Russell Davies wrote:
> Hi,
> Over the years I have occasionally checked the increase in downloads
> of both Lazarus and Free Pascal on SourceForge, but for some reason
> the download rates of both suddenly seem to be in free-fall!  See the
> attached graphs.

There is a lot more that would need to go into the calculation.
- Downloads from SVN and Snapshots
- Downloads from other mirrors (includes Codetyphoon)

For Lazarus it also looks normal. end of 2011 was the RC and then 
release of So that is the spike.

IIRC around that time the layout was re-organized, to make it easier to 
find the correct download ( Win, rpm, deb, dmg...  AND latest release 
versus older release. ) IIRC it was messy before. So before that I guess 
more people needed several downloads.

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