[Lazarus] Lazarus crashing reproducibly on startup (64-bit Linux)
brian at meadows.pair.com
Sun Mar 18 13:36:44 CET 2012
I've recently switched distros to Mint Debian 12 64-bit XFCE. This is
on an AMD Phenom *4, 4 GB of RAM. When I was reinstalling stuff I
noticed that the latest version of Lazarus that they have in the repo
is 0.9.28, a bit old I know, but it works for what I do.
So I installed 0.9.28, which also brought in FPC 2.4.0-2.
When I try to run Lazarus from the menus, I get the splash screen and
then nothing, the IDE never comes up.
So, I switched to a terminal, ran startlazarus and got the following
[WARNING] Out of OEM specific VK codes, changing to unassigned
[WARNING] Out of unassigned VK codes, assigning $FF
TLazarusManager.Run starting /usr/lib/lazarus/ ...
Runtime error 203 at $0000000000736A16
OK, maybe it's an old version. I downloaded the latest .DEBs from
SourceForge, and installed those. No change in the symptoms (well, OK,
I can't say the addresses were exactly the same, but the bit about the
VK codes was, and it was still a runtime error 203).
I cleaned out everything to do with Lazarus and FPC that I could find
(using KFind to make sure I got everything) and had one more try with
0.9.28. As expected, still the same error. I know that 0.9.28 used to
run on Mint 9 64-bit, but that was the Ubuntu-based version, not the
Debian-based one.
Anyone have any ideas how to fix this, please?
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