[Lazarus] Setting clipboard on Linux adds ending #0

zeljko zeljko at holobit.net
Thu Mar 8 20:49:39 CET 2012

On Thursday 08 of March 2012 18:01:14 cobines wrote:
> Hello.
> Putting a string to a clipboard is done in TClipboard.SetAsText():
>   SetBuffer(PredefinedClipboardFormat(pcfText),s[1],length(Value)+1);
> Note that there is length(Value)+1, ending zero included. This comes
> from the following revision:
> "r7259 | vincents | 2005-06-21 13:42:35 +0200 (wto) | 2 linie
> copy terminating #0 to clipboard too, windows expects it."
> But some programs on Linux treat this ending zero as part of the
> clipboard data. I also checked how a few non-Lazarus programs copy to

What programs treat terminator as part of data ?
from qt docs, #0 means eod afair (QMimeData).

> clipboard and they don't include ending zero. I don't think it is
> needed.

We cannot remove it just because you think so. If it's removed we need to test 
consequences on gtk, gtk2 and qt.

> Can adding trailing zero be moved to the win32 widgetset only?

theoretically yes, if it won't disturb others.

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