[Lazarus] Rev 35895 crashes on Linux

Bernd prof7bit at googlemail.com
Mon Mar 12 02:34:32 CET 2012

2012/3/12 Giuliano Colla <giuliano.colla at fastwebnet.it>:
> After updating to rev 35895, Lazarus IDE crashes on startup, with an Invalid
> Floating Point Operation Exception. Reverting to rev 35880 (the last I was
> using before the update) it works just fine.
> I attach the  output obtained invoking from command line. It complains about
> Package FCL 1.0.1 conflicting with base package.
> Platform is Linux, FC14, kernel

I can confirm it with Linux 3.0.0-16, i686, GTK2, same error message.

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