[Lazarus] compiling Lazarus from svn

Sven Barth pascaldragon at googlemail.com
Tue Mar 13 09:23:07 CET 2012

Am 13.03.2012 07:49, schrieb Richard Mace:
> Hi All,
> I've just installed lazarus via svn trunk, and installed fpc binary from
> source forge.
> When I read the instructions online on how to install Lazarus from SVN,
> they tell me to change to the Lazarus directory, and then run "make",
> however, I don't have a "make" command.
> Am I missing something silly?

What platform are you on? In the following I assume Windows. Did you 
download a full 2.6.0 release? If not do so and install it. You'll then 
find the make, etc in the same directory as the fpc binary (you need the 
full release of FPC anyway to compile Lazarus).


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