[Lazarus] Kylix to Lazarus

Graeme Geldenhuys graemeg.lists at gmail.com
Fri Mar 16 22:36:56 CET 2012

On 16 March 2012 18:16, Gugui  wrote:
> I have a whole system made in Kylix!
> what is the best way to migrate to Lazarus?

Many here have moved projects from Kylix to FPC and
Lazarus/fpGUI/MSEgui etc. There is no "magic wand" to make it just
work automatically. Unfortunately you will have to fix many things
manually in your projects.

dbExpress could be replaced with SqlDB (comes as part of FPC) or Zeos
etc. I don't know the other component package you mentioned, but if
you have the source code to it, you could try and port. Otherwise you
will have to try and find a replacement or rewrite that part of your

  - Graeme -

fpGUI - a cross-platform Free Pascal GUI toolkit

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