[Lazarus] Dockable IDE

Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho felipemonteiro.carvalho at gmail.com
Sat Mar 17 11:12:50 CET 2012

On Sat, Mar 17, 2012 at 6:59 AM, Hans-Peter Diettrich
<DrDiettrich1 at aol.com> wrote:
> The LCL, IDE and Win32 widgetset contain code that breaks Delphi compatible
> drag-dock deliberately, for no obvious reason or benefit. It looks to me as
> if none of the core developers understands the implementation and use of
> dragging in general and drag-dock in detail. Postponing required fixes to
> rev. 0.99 will make it almost impossible to support a dockable IDE any more,
> due to the many breaks in the current IDE code.

Please create bug reports and point which exact revisions broke what.

Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho

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