[Lazarus] lazbuild build IDE profiles

waldo kitty wkitty42 at windstream.net
Tue Mar 20 04:50:49 CET 2012

On 3/16/2012 04:31, Mattias Gaertner wrote:
> On Thu, 15 Mar 2012 22:25:48 -0400
> waldo kitty<wkitty42 at windstream.net>  wrote:
>> On 3/14/2012 19:14, Mattias Gaertner wrote:
>>> lazbuild can now compile an IDE with its build profiles.
>> YAY! i think ;) if i'm understanding the correctly, it stems from our
>> conversation(s) recently about compiling laz from the command line and being
>> able to use the same settings as those set in the "tools ->  compile laz with X" ???
> Yes.

i wanted to also touch back on a post i made in another thread (which i may have 
kinda hijacked)... with this new understanding, the following quote...

On 3/8/2012 12:36, waldo kitty wrote:
> alright... having read over this numerous times, like this then???
> echo compiling lazarus...
> cd %myLAZpath%
> echo Debug IDE
> make clean lazbuild --build-ide="-gw -gl -godwarfsets -gh -gt -Co -Cr -Ci -Sa"
> copy lazarus.exe lazarus-debug.exe
> echo Normal IDE
> make clean lazbuild --build-ide=
> copy lazarus.exe lazarus-normal.exe
> echo Optimized IDE
> make clean lazbuild --build-ide="-O2 -g- -Xs"
> copy lazarus.exe lazarus-optimized.exe
> echo lazarus compilation complete...

should actually read like this?

echo compiling lazarus...
cd %myLAZpath%
echo   * Debug IDE
make clean lazbuild
lazbuild.exe --build-ide="-gw -gl -godwarfsets -gh -gt -Co -Cr -Ci -Sa" 
build-mode="debug ide"
copy /q lazarus.exe lazarus-debug.exe
echo   * Normal IDE
make clean lazbuild
lazbuild.exe --build-ide= build-mode="normal ide"
copy /q lazarus.exe lazarus-normal.exe
echo   * Optimized IDE
make clean lazbuild
lazbuild --build-ide="-O2 -g- -Xs" build-mode="optimized ide"
copy /q lazarus.exe lazarus-optimized.exe
echo lazarus compilation complete...

i assume that the build-mode takes into account the defines in the named build 
mode? and also the other widget type, target os, target cpu and etc??

On 3/16/2012 04:31, Mattias Gaertner wrote:
> On Thu, 15 Mar 2012 22:25:48 -0400
> waldo kitty<wkitty42 at windstream.net>  wrote:
>> something else: how can i find the svn revision number of the code being
>> used so as to be able to copy the resulting lazarus.exe to something like
>> lazarus_debug-r57345.exe (from memory) so that they are grouped and sorted
>> properly?
> Maybe you mean tools/svn2revisioninc.lpi or perhaps ide/revision.inc.

yes... as i wrote before, it would be very nice to be able to have the "copy" 
lines above read as

   copy /q lazarus.exe lazarus-debug_r%svnversion%.exe

where "svnversion" is an environment variable set by the make process that 
includes updating the above file(s)...

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