[Lazarus] New LCL-CustomDrawn mailling list

Marco van de Voort marcov at stack.nl
Thu Mar 22 08:54:01 CET 2012

On Wed, Mar 21, 2012 at 09:36:53PM +0100, Sven Barth wrote:
> While I agree with you about the suprising end of Windows Mobile I don't 
> think that your time was that much wasted. Without your support for 
> WinCE I would not have been able to write our company application using 
> Lazarus and also this way Lazarus can pose as one of the few RAD IDEs 
> for Windows Mobile (or is it the only one even?). It might not mean much 
> for many people (or even developers), but for me it's important to show 
> what Lazarus (together with FPC) is capable of.

I'd like to note that with a former employee, e  did bid for porting the
client part of a Delphi app to wince (but didn't get the bid in the end).
As for the rest: chose your platforms carefully can be a different solution,
which is why I avoid android till it comes in more stable waters (if ever)

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