[Lazarus] Is it possible to drag and drop a web browser URL into a Lazarus app?

Frank Church vfclists at gmail.com
Fri Mar 23 15:16:20 CET 2012

2012/3/22 Graeme Geldenhuys <graemeg.lists at gmail.com>:
> On 20 March 2012 16:37, Frank Church <vfclists at ...> wrote:
>> Is it possible to drag and drop a web browser URL into a Lazarus app?
>> Are there some controls with that facility?
> In fpGUI is is handled just like any other DND action. Simply register
> what mime-type the drop target must look out for. It will then happile
> accept a drop action if such a mime-type is supplied. Simple and easy
> to use, and works on all platforms.
> Lazarus's drag-n-drop is based on the very limited Delphi / Windows
> DND, so is mainly build for in-app drag-n-drop, and not able to accept
> external drag-n-drop actions. Normally (in Delphi) you would have to
> revert to Windows API calls to get better DND support. I remember
> seeing them (the Lazarus team) extending the default limited DND a bit
> to support dropping files on a LCL app, but that is a far cry from
> complete DND support.
> Out of interest, I ran the DND Demo of fpGUI, which shows what
> mime-types the source of a DND action is willing to supply. I dragged
> the URL from the Chrome web browser and dropped in onto the Text Edit
> field. Below that is the complete list of mime-types (8 in total) that
> Chrome was willing to supply the data in. I don't know if this
> information will help you with your LCL application in any way.

fpGUI is something I should be trying out more. I have remember that
Lazarus doesn't always mean LCL :)

Your example fits my need perfectly.

> --
> Regards,
>   - Graeme -
> _______________________________________________
> fpGUI - a cross-platform Free Pascal GUI toolkit
> http://fpgui.sourceforge.net
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Frank Church


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