[Lazarus] D2007

Antonio Fortuny a.fortuny at sitasoftware.lu
Fri May 25 13:18:54 CEST 2012

Hi all

I know that this is not a Delphi forum but because I read some posts 
from guys I meet in this one in Embarcadero forum and because I don't 
have any answer from Embarcadero, I post my question here too. I 
apologize if this seems unconvenient. I'm used to play with Lazarus 64 
bit on W7 64 bit too.

I moved recently my D2007 (D 2007 for Win32 11.0.2902.10471, 2007/12 
update and 2008 help update) from my old laptop (XP home 32b) to a new 
one (W7 64bit pro)
Installation went ok but I still have to find out which are the needed 
updates for it. Anyway, it works.
When I compile project changing DCU, target, and BPL destination folders 
in project options, I never found the compiled objects in those 
specified folders but in the project folder instead.
When I run the project IDE says it cannot find the program (seems 
obvious) but the exe is in the project's folder
This did not happen in my old laptop.
What did I miss ?


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