[Lazarus] Debugger problems

Leonardo M. Ramé l.rame at griensu.com
Thu May 10 00:54:08 CEST 2012

On 2012-05-09 23:52:06 +0100, Martin wrote:
> On 09/05/2012 23:41, Leonardo M. Ramé wrote:
> >I'm using Lazarus&  Fpc compiled from trunk, on Ubuntu 12.04 x86_64.
> >
> >Since today, I found the debugger stopped working, I mean, breakpoints
> >are never reached, also, when I close the applications started from the
> >IDE (F9), I get this error message:
> >
> >The GDB command:
> >"-exec-run"
> >did not return any result.
> when this happens, check if gdb is still running (
> http://sourceware.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=14014 )
> >
> >Before writing this, I've tested all combinatios of linking
> >configuration (-g, -gw, and so on), with and without external symbols
> >file (-Xg), but the result is allways the same.
> Since you appear to know the options, I assume no optimization other than
> O1/ and no smart linking?
> >
> >Does anyone knows if this is related to gdb, Lazarus or Fpc?.
> >
> Will need some more info, please.
> Do you know the version of GDB?
> I am not aware of any recent changes in Lazarus, that would/could have
> caused this.
> I can not tell if there is/was in FPC
> - Run Lazarus with (requires recent SVN)
> --debug-log=/foo/log
> - Ensure it will be the first debug in your LAzarus session, or reset the
> debugger
> - please open the "Debug Output" Window, from the "View" menu (VIew > Debug
> Windows > Debug output).
>   Ensure you open this window, before running your app with F9
> - Run your app.
> Copy the content of the window and mail it (If to big for the list, private
> mail is ok)
> Same for the log
> --

Please, wait a minute...I checked the Update Manager and it says there's
a new update for GDB... installing.

Leonardo M. Ramé

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