[Lazarus] Fatal: Circular unit reference between units
michael.vancanneyt at wisa.be
michael.vancanneyt at wisa.be
Wed Nov 21 14:45:16 CET 2012
On Wed, 21 Nov 2012, Eric Kom wrote:
> Good day all,
> Please I got a problem regarding units. To use components from unit1 called
> mainWindow, I included the header unit1 inside unit2 called loginScholarly.
> During build process, the above message occurred:
> loginscholarly.pas(19,42) Fatal: Circular unit reference between
> loginScholarly and mainWindow
Well, you're not supposed to do this. Probably mainWindow already uses loginScholarly.
In general, units should not use each other, it is bad design.
Now, you can solve this by moving one of the units from the interface uses section
to the implementation section. You'll have to decide which one.
In general, however, it is better to move common parts to a separate unit,
and let both units use that third unit.
> Thanks
> --
> Kind Regards
> Eric Kom
> System Administrator - Metropolitan College
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