[Lazarus] Please define "delphi compatibility"

Graeme Geldenhuys graeme at geldenhuys.co.uk
Wed Oct 3 16:19:45 CEST 2012

[based on my suggestion about changes to the TDBNavigator component]

What is Lazarus's take on "delphi compatibility"?

Does that mean...

a) Lazarus simply makes it easy to move Delphi projects to Lazarus - a
once off process, and only in that specific direction.

b) Or does it mean "having a shared code base where developers still use
Delphi under Windows, and Lazarus under Mac/Linux/etc".

If (b), then how does Lazarus handle VCL vs LCL forms?  *.dfm vs *.lfm
in a shared code base. Or does it mean for example myform.pas unit would
have a myform.dfm and myform.lfm. This would suck big time, because you
would constant have to keep all form changes in sync between Delphi and
Lazarus - no easy task, and very error prone.


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