[Lazarus] Trunk: Error running make bigide

Reinier Olislagers reinierolislagers at gmail.com
Sat Oct 6 05:56:19 CEST 2012

Running fpcup, I'm running into problems on Win64 Laz:
... is there perhaps a problem in win32object.inc?


Info: BIGIDE: running make bigide:
Info: ERROR running C:\development\fpcbootstrap64\make.exe
"FPCDIR=C:\development\fpctrunk" "UPXPROG=echo" "COPYTREE=echo" "OPT=-gw
-gl" "bigide"
Info: Command path set to:
Info: Command current directory: C:\development\lazarus64_fpctrunk
C:/development/fpcbootstrap64/make.exe -C interfaces all
make.exe[2]: Entering directory
C:/development/fpcbootstrap64/make.exe -C win32 all
make.exe[3]: Entering directory
C:/development/fpcbootstrap64/rm.exe -f
../../units/x86_64-win64/win32/lcl.ppu \
C:/development/fpctrunk/bin/x86_64-win64/fpc.exe -gl
-Fu../../units/x86_64-win64 -Fu../../../packager/units/x86_64-win64
-Fu../../../components/lazutils/lib/x86_64-win64 -Fu.. -Fu.
-FuC:/development/fpctrunk/rtl/units/x86_64-win64 -FE.
-FU../../units/x86_64-win64/win32 -gw -gl -dx86_64 ../lcl.pas
Free Pascal Compiler version 2.7.1 [2012/10/06] for x86_64
Copyright (c) 1993-2012 by Florian Klaempfl and others
Target OS: Win64 for x64
Compiling ..\lcl.pas
Compiling win32int.pp
win32int.pp(27,26) Warning: User defined: Fix implicit pointer conversions
Compiling win32wscontrols.pp
Compiling win32wsbuttons.pp
Compiling win32wsimglist.pp
Compiling win32wsfactory.pas
Compiling win32wscalendar.pp
Compiling win32wschecklst.pp
Compiling win32wsstdctrls.pp
Compiling win32wscomctrls.pp
win32wscomctrls.pp(867,76) Warning: Conversion between ordinals and
pointers is
not portable
Compiling win32wsdialogs.pp
Compiling win32wsextctrls.pp
Compiling win32wsextdlgs.pp
Compiling win32wsforms.pp
win32wsforms.pp(393,26) Warning: Symbol "MainFormOnTaskBar" is not portable
Compiling win32wsmenus.pp
Compiling win32wsspin.pp
win32callback.inc(802,99) Warning: Symbol "MainFormOnTaskBar" is not
win32callback.inc(805,72) Warning: Symbol "MainFormOnTaskBar" is not
win32callback.inc(835,72) Warning: Symbol "MainFormOnTaskBar" is not
win32callback.inc(2061,68) Warning: Symbol "MainFormOnTaskBar" is not
win32object.inc(178,44) Warning: Symbol "MainFormOnTaskBar" is not portable
win32object.inc(193,44) Warning: Symbol "MainFormOnTaskBar" is not portable
win32object.inc(214,44) Warning: Symbol "MainFormOnTaskBar" is not portable
win32object.inc(488,71) Warning: Symbol "MainFormOnTaskBar" is not portable
win32object.inc(565,78) Error: Incompatible type for arg no. 4: Got
"<address of procedure(QWord;LongWord;LongWord;LongWord);StdCall>",
expected "<procedure variable type of
win32int.pp(328) Fatal: There were 1 errors compiling module, stopping
Fatal: Compilation aborted

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