[Lazarus] Deep exe strip :)

Krzysztof dibo20 at wp.pl
Wed Oct 24 15:02:25 CEST 2012


I did some tests with linking options. Tested on CodeTyphon 2.90,
Linux mint GTK2 64bit. Empty form:

1. Project options:
  - smart linking (-CX),
  - optimization level 3,
  - unchecked "create debugger information"
  - clear debug symbolx (-Xs)
  - smart linking (-XX)

Result: 5 MB

2. Same project options, but IDE rebuild with -CX and -XX options

Result: 2.9 MB

3. Same options but added VirtualTreeView control from additional package

Result: 3.8 MB

3. Same options but rebuild VirtualTreeView package with unchecked
option "create debugger information"

Result: 3.6 MB

My question is: Is exists any global strip to get the smallest
possible exe size? Why when I have configured "release" build mode in
my project with all "striping" and smart linking, requied packages
still have debuger informations and I must uncheck and rebuild it
manually? I'm not complaining, I'm just curious :) . For example
rebuild 4 requied packages with unchecked "create debugger info" in my
project, I get exe smaller by 1MB


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