[Lazarus] Documentation for the packages shipped with Lazarus

stdreamer stdreamer at freemail.gr
Fri Oct 12 20:30:47 CEST 2012

On 12/10/2012 7:08 μμ, Mattias Gaertner wrote:
> On Thu, 11 Oct 2012 22:10:41 +0300
> stdreamer <stdreamer at freemail.gr> wrote:
>> On 11/10/2012 5:27 μμ, Mattias Gaertner wrote:
>> [...]
>>> The package type is not *two* booleans. For instance there is no type "not
>>> designtime and not runtime".
>>>> If an overlay is shown then that state is part of the package if not
>>>> then it is not. This leaves one icon state with no meaning ee. no
>>>> overlay is shown.
>>> The purpose of an overlay is to spot the specials easier.
>>> By far the most packages are "design time and run time". Therefore they should
>>> not have any overlay or at most a very plain/unimposing one.
>>> There are three special package types:
>>> design time  - usable by projects, but not compiled into projects
>>> run time - usable by design time packages, but not directly installable
>>> run time only - not installable, not even indirectly
>> [...]
>> OK lets take a step back, and see this a bit simplistic.
> If you don't understand one of my points, just ask.
> Do not post my whole answer and then ignore it.
That's a double edged sword for the time being I'll ignore it and move 
on to more productive thoughts.
>> 1) The type of a package.
>> A package can be
>> 1) run time package
>> 2) Design time package.
>> 3) Both
> Incomplete. see above.
What is incomplete? Which other states you have in mind Installable for 
instance? In that case let me ask you once more. What is the difference 
between a run time package and a run time only package? How can a design 
time package, use a run time only package and  be installed in the IDE? 
What is the reason of existence of this option?

As for the Boolean part,
What would you answer if I asked you "is that a design time package ?"

and last but I think is the most important part the convention I have 
never questioned the branding of the packages this is just to satisfy my 
curiosity and it doesn't matter to me either way.

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