[Lazarus] Fwd: How to change default editor font *before* primary config ~/.lazarus is created?

Bernd prof7bit at gmail.com
Wed Oct 17 14:38:37 CEST 2012

2012/10/17 Mattias Gaertner <nc-gaertnma at netcologne.de>:

> Looking for startlazarus in the search path might find one of a different
> version. Then you can get very strange errors. So if possible I would avoid
> searching in path.

This should not be possible since the deb would have installed its own
startlazarus symlink into /usr/bin

There is one more minor problem with startlazarus I noticed: If
lazarus folder is /usr/share/lazarus and startlazarus and lazarus
executables exist in lazarus folder and custom built lazarus is in
~/.lazarus/ then startlazarus will ask the user which lazarus to start
(the system installed or the one in the config directory).

But when the entire lazarus folder is in /usr/lib/lazarus (exact same
direcrory layout, only everything in /usr/lib instead of /usr/share
then startlazarus will always immediately start the custom built
lazarus in ~/.lazarus all the time without asking. This is not a big
problem since this is what the user most likely wanted to do anyways
and relatively easily circumvent by starting lazarus-ide (which points
to /usr/lib/lazarus/lazarus) from the command line but I think
(without looking at the code now) this means that there are still some
hardcoded paths in startlazarus where to look for the natively
installed lazarus (instead of using the lazarus dir setting and
finding it in /usr/lib/lazarus)

Now  if I make an (almost empty) folder /usr/share/lazarus and copy
only the two binaries (startlazarus and lazarus) over to
/usr/share/lazarus (but not making any config changes, just put copies
of those two binaries there) then starting startlazarus (when started
from within /usr/shar/lazarus) will again open the question dialog.
(but the one in /usr/lib/lazarus will still not see it, it only works
when started from within /usr/share/lazarus!)

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