[Lazarus] Cross-compiling -> MIPS

SkyDiablo skydiablo at gmx.net
Sun Oct 28 21:26:46 CET 2012

it is a simple openWRT linux system. okay, i think i need other 
"binunits/toolchain" for compiling? can anyone help me to compile the 
right toolchain for windows?

the task is: create a crosscompile compiler for FPC from windows to 
linux MIPS systems... in the past i have learn to compile the compiler, 
but i have use some pre-compiles toolchains, i think this was the 
failur. i need some toolchain for non-ELF systms!

some help?

greez & thx,

Am 28.10.2012 00:22, schrieb waldo kitty:
> On 10/27/2012 15:37, SkyDiablo wrote:
>> ok, now i can compile some binaries, but they dont run on my target 
>> system, i
>> get this error:
> i cannot help very much with your goals but...
>> helloWorld4MIPS: line 1: syntax error: unexpected "("
>> so i'm not sure about the right "toolchain"? i get a binary thats 
>> starts with
>> "ELF", what does it mean this "ELF" ?
> i googled "elf binary" (sans quotes) and got this URL...
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Executable_and_Linkable_Format
>> by the way, i have switch to "mipsel".
> if it isn't *nix, ELF binaries won't run on it...
>> maybe, should i change to a debian system for cross-compile?
>> greez & thx,
>> sky...
>> Am 26.10.2012 23:24, schrieb Sven Barth:
>>> Am 26.10.2012 18:59 schrieb "SkyDiablo" <skydiablo at gmx.net
>>> <mailto:skydiablo at gmx.net>>:
>>> >
>>> > ok, i play around with this stuff, but now i get this error at 
>>> compiling:
>>> >
>>> > project1.lpr(0,0) Fatal: Can not find unit system used by Project1.
>>> >
>>> > i cant fix it :(
>>> There are three things you can try:
>>> 1. Ensure that your project settings ate correctly set to mips-linux 
>>> and that
>>> the correct compiler is used. You can check this by doing a compile 
>>> in Lazarus
>>> and when it reports the error you right click on the message window 
>>> and select
>>> "copy all messages including hidden" (or so) and paste them 
>>> somewhere you can
>>> read them (e.g. after the final "end." of your project) and check 
>>> whether the
>>> compiler version is correct, the compiler date (your compilation 
>>> date) and
>>> that the target is set correctly
>>> 2. Maybe your search path is wrong. Take a look at your 2.7.1 
>>> fpc.cfg and
>>> search for a -Fu option with "rtl" at the end and verify that this 
>>> is the
>>> correct path and that a "system.ppu" and "system.o" is located there.
>>> 3. Add the option "-vut" to the "other settings" memo in the 
>>> compiler options,
>>> copy the output as in 1. and check whether the compiler indeed 
>>> searches in the
>>> correct directory for "system.ppu"
> -- 
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