[Lazarus] lazarus archive

Paul Breneman list2010 at BrenemanLabs.com
Tue Sep 4 14:45:03 CEST 2012

I agree!

Most of my customers mainly top post (with the entire previous message 
there just for reference).  Sometimes if we need to reply to several 
different sections of an email we post in context.

Blind people also like top posting a lot!

Avishai wrote:
> Fortunately, the whole world doesn't march to one drum.  There are other
> cultures.  Sorry if that annoys you.
> On Tue, Sep 4, 2012 at 12:45 PM, Graeme Geldenhuys
> <graeme at geldenhuys.co.uk>wrote:
>> On 04/09/12 08:46, Reinier Olislagers wrote:
>>>>  By the way, next time you want to open a new thread, don't reply to a
>>> message in an existing thread... your message didn't appear as a new
>> Arg! That is no annoying!! Most people here have NO Netiquette! [1][2][3]
>> * Top posting
>> * Quoting whole message with a one line replies.
>> * Quoting 6+ levels deep.
>> * Replying to existing message to start a new topic
>> * Multi-part HTML messages (though I can live with this I guess)
>> [1]  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/**Etiquette_(technology)<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Etiquette_(technology)>
>> [2]  Why it is sensible to observe the Netiquette
>>      http://lipas.uwasa.fi/~ts/**http/netiquet.html<http://lipas.uwasa.fi/~ts/http/netiquet.html>
>> [3]  Some Answers to FAQ's about Mailing Lists and List Netiquette
>>      http://dgmweb.net/**MailingListFAQs.html<http://dgmweb.net/MailingListFAQs.html>
>>     Graeme.

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