[Lazarus] PascalScript on Win x64

Paul Ishenin webpirat at mail.ru
Thu Sep 6 04:40:27 CEST 2012

04.09.12, 22:10, Sven Barth пишет:

>>>> This seems to be the main disadvantage of PascalScript: it needs
>>>> platform specific assembler code...
>>>> Perhaps the situation can be improved once Rtti.Invoke (
>>>> http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/Libraries/de/System.Rtti.Invoke ) is
>>>> implemented...
>>> I doubt it.
>>> RTTI may (you need to establish if this applies to *all* cases) tell you
>>> that "procedure Foo(a: integer)" takes 1 int param.
>>> But it will not tell you, if this needs to be on the stack, or in a
>>> register (or which register).
>> Sorry, not correct. It does: in calling convention.
>> The point I meant to made is: you still need to get the value into that
>> register, or set up the stack. That can only be done in asm
> Yes, it can only be done in ASM, but the Invoke function is part of the
> RTL and thus would by definition be available for all platforms
> supported by FPC (even if not every platform would be available at once).

Maybe at the first step to move the code for invokation of FPC methods 
from PascalScript code into a LCL unit (if license allows) - so later it 
will be simple moved to FPC RTL?

Best regards,
Paul Ishenin

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