[Lazarus] "Defeating" a screen saver

Graeme Geldenhuys graeme at geldenhuys.co.uk
Tue Sep 25 15:42:00 CEST 2012

On 2012-09-25 11:55, Mark Morgan Lloyd wrote:
> stringgrid with an updating field on the screen, I've not yet tried e.g.
> simulating a shiftkey event.

Another option.  From the 'man xscreensaver-command' output.

This tells xscreensaver to pretend that there has just been user 
activity.  This means that if the  screensaver is  active  (the  screen 
  is blanked), then this command will cause the screen to un-blank as if 
there had been keyboard or mouse activity.  If the screen is locked, 
then the password dialog will pop up first, as usual.  If the  screen 
is  not  blanked,  then  this simulated user activity will re-start the 
countdown (so, issuing the -deactivate command periodically is one way 
to prevent the screen from blanking.)

But then I don't know if this applies to kde-screensaver and 
gnome-screensaver too, even though they are forks of xscreensaver.

   - Graeme -

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