[Lazarus] ShellTreeView/ShellListView and Root

Bart bartjunk64 at gmail.com
Thu Apr 4 17:10:40 CEST 2013


I'm probably missing something here..

I have a ShellTreeView which is coupled with a ShellListView.
At designtime I set ShelltreeView.Root to  'C:\' (I'm on Windows).

I build and run.
When the program starts the ShellTreeView has nothing selected and
ShellListView is populated with all files in C:\

Now I select any node in ShellTreeView and ShellListView responds as expected.

The problem I'm having is that I cannot get back to the root (C:\)
anymore, and by that I mean the situation as it was as startup, and
populate ShellListView with the files in C:\.
If I query ShellTreeView.Root it is always some subfolder of C:\.

Both components have all properties unchanged (so all defaults).

I would have expected for ShellTreeView to look something like this:


But is shows like this:



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