[Lazarus] tiOPF: Repository migrated to Git

Graeme Geldenhuys graeme at geldenhuys.co.uk
Sun Apr 7 01:59:17 CEST 2013

On 2013-04-06 09:34, Zaher Dirkey wrote:
> Why you hate "master", i believe it is for last working version, here is
> tiOPF3, i do that, and for me it have all fixes in it, so who need last of
> every thing he will take "master".

I'm not sure I fully understand your email. But I'll explain what I think.

I don't "hate" the 'master' branch concept of Git. The way the tiOPF
SubVersion repository was structured (very different to the normal
SubVersion layouts), it was very hard to import the history into Git.
Also in the tiOPF project there are two active branches being developed
in parallel at the moment. Normally projects branch major versions, and
older versions are not developed any more. This is NOT the case in
tiOPF. FPC users can't move to tiOPF3 branch yet (at least last time I
tested), due to FPC missing Delphi language features. So two branches
(tiopf2 & tiopf3) are developed and maintained in parallel.

So there is no single development branch in tiOPF. That is why I decided
to make 'master' an non-development branch. Git seems to expect a
'master' branch though (which I think is wrong design). So instead of me
choose if 'master' must be v2 or v3 of tiOPF, I rather made it an entry
point which just contains a README file explaining the repository
layout. If the developer uses Free Pascal, switch to 'tiopf2', if they
use Delphi 2009+, then switch to 'tiopf3' branch.

  - Graeme -

fpGUI Toolkit - a cross-platform GUI toolkit using Free Pascal

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