[Lazarus] Hints for Android

dev.dliw at gmail.com dev.dliw at gmail.com
Thu Apr 11 20:20:42 CEST 2013

>Learn to program Android with Java, and later, if you want, give a try with FPC
Yes, that's IMHO the easiest way to go - if you want to "learn" Android and create 
"classical" apps.
For other use cases (porting from WinCE, low level task with almost no GUI, 3D,...) 
native activity or LCL-Android (honestly don't know the current state) might be more 

Eclipse + ADT has various tools that really help a lot:
Lint (performance hints, compatibility tipps, etc.) , a GUI editor, ...

But don't get me wrong, you can create the same output with fpc-jvm, too - maybe 
with a little bit more work.

If you want to use fpc - I would suggest using E + ADT for GUI creation and resource 
management anyway...
There is this nice "Android R.java -> R.pas converter" for converting the java 
resource class(es) to a pascal unit, unfortunately I don't know, where I got it from...

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