[Lazarus] FPDoc Editor fails on namespace dotted unit names?

Mattias Gaertner nc-gaertnma at netcologne.de
Fri Apr 19 12:53:15 CEST 2013

> Marco van de Voort <marcov at stack.nl> hat am 19. April 2013 um 12:24
> geschrieben:
> My remark was somewhat compiler specific, but it bleeds through in the IDE
> too, since in a Lazarus/FPC project, not all used source must be named in
> the project. Stronger, the project doesn't even exist on a "build" level.
> I'm no Lazarus expert, but I assume that bleeds through in the IDE. IOW
> one can't assume that the project compilation unit list is complete.


> > No, you don't need a GAC to achieve this. All you need is a list of unit
> > paths, and the IDE can scan those folders for unit names. Something Lazarus
> > already does.
> I was wrong however to assume that Lazarus doesn't already constantly
> monitor filepaths already. I don't know what it does there. I mixed up the
> compiler
> and IDE/codetools POV.

The IDE and codetools do some more searches than the compiler.


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