[Lazarus] Delphi 5 project migration to Lazarus or Delphi XE* ?

Roland Turcan konf at rotursoft.sk
Fri Aug 23 15:34:16 CEST 2013

Hello Guys!

I am about to migrate my key project from Delphi to Lazarus, but...

My project belongs on:

1. Windows only - this is not a problem
2. Firebird SQL over IBX - there is http://www.mwasoftware.co.uk/
3. FastReport - there is an oficial Lazarus version to buy
4. own components based on JCL, JvVCL - I can manage
5. TWordApplication, TWordDocument, ... OLE support for MS Word - ????

and the fifth point makes me a fear, because I didn't found the way how
to  implement  all  the  stuff  around  MSWord.  The key feature is to
prepare  word  document  and to let it modify by users. When user ends
his  work  I  need  to  get control about saving the document, closing
Word to finish the work with the edited document.

CreateOleObject is not a solution, there are not captured the events.

I want to continue the development on Lazarus, because I worked on one
large  Delphi2Lazarus  conversion  and  the  support  from this list was
awesome.  This  is  the  reason why I want to change to Lazarus. It is
not about to save money on Delphi XE*

Best regards, TRoland

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