[Lazarus] Cross compiler

Sven Barth pascaldragon at googlemail.com
Thu Aug 1 10:03:06 CEST 2013

Am 01.08.2013 09:01, schrieb Antonio Fortuny:
> Le 31/07/2013 18:05, Sven Barth a écrit :
>> On 31.07.2013 16:05, Antonio Fortuny wrote:
>>> Hi Sven.
>>> Finally I've got a functional new cross compiler compiled.
>>> Now I have two folders for fpc compiler: the one downloaded along with
>>> lazarus and the new cross compiler one build by me.
>>> After Lazarus is installed, I launch it and it display the very first
>>> configuration screen for fpc compiler & sources;
>>> For sources, no problem, but for the compiler le combobox shows three
>>> possibilities in the newly created directory:
>>> ppcx64,
>>> ppcross386
>>> ppcrossx64
>> Did you do a "make install" in the end? If so that should have build 
>> a "fpc" binary as well which should be located in the "bin" (on *nix 
>> systems) or "i386-win32\bin" (on Win32) or "x86_64-win64\bin" (on 
>> Win64) directory. This "fpc" binary is the compiler driver which 
>> allows you (and Lazarus) to select a different target platform using 
>> the "-P" argument (which is utilized by Lazarus when you change the 
>> platform).
> Hi Sven.
> These are the shell commands I launch:
> install fpc compiler
>     rpm -ivh fpc-2.6.2-0.laz.x86_64.rpm
> install fpc sources
>     rpm -ivh fpc-src-2.6.2-0.laz.x86_64.rpm
> Install lazarus
>     rpm -ivh lazarus-1.0.10-0.x86_64.rpm
> download fpc full sources from 
> http://svn.svn.freepascal.org/svn/fpc/tags/release_2_6_2_rc1 using:
>     cd /usr/local/src
>     svn checkout 
> http://svn.freepascal.org/svn/fpc/tags/release_2_6_2_rc1 fpc
Why are you doing a checkout of 2.6.2 RC1? The tag for 2.6.2 is called 
just "release_2_6_2".
>     cd fpc
>     make all
>     make install INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local
>     make crossall OS_TARGET=win32 CPU_TARGET=i386
>     make crossinstall OS_TARGET=win32 CPU_TARGET=i386 
> INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local
>     make crossall OS_TARGET=win64 CPU_TARGET=x86_64
>     make crossinstall OS_TARGET=win64 CPU_TARGET=x86_64 
> INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local
> I noticed that new directories have been created or filled with new 
> objects:
>     /usr/local/bin
>     /usr/local/lib with a fpc directory
You should have a "fpc" binary in your "/usr/local/bin" then. You'll 
need to point Lazarus to that.


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