[Lazarus] Build Lazarus on Linux? Make is deprecated?

Sven Barth pascaldragon at googlemail.com
Thu Aug 8 20:06:28 CEST 2013

On 08.08.2013 13:09, Fabio Luis Girardi wrote:
> I updated to latest lazarus revision yesterday.
> When I type "make clean all" this messages appears (in portuguese):
> make: -iVSPTPSOTO: Comando não encontrado
> make -C ide cleanide
> make[1]: -iVSPTPSOTO: Comando não encontrado
> make[1]: Entrando no diretório `/home/fabiolg/lazarus/ide'

This has nothing to do with Codetyphon, this is normal behavior if none 
of the fpc binaries is available in $PATH. So either add the path to the 
"fpc" provided with Codetyphon to $PATH or call make the following way:

make FPC=/path/to/fpc


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