[Lazarus] Congrats on the new project options screen [OT]

Lukasz Sokol el.es.cr at gmail.com
Fri Aug 9 11:03:38 CEST 2013

On 09/08/13 09:17, Frederic Da Vitoria wrote:
> 2013/8/9 waldo kitty <wkitty42 at windstream.net
> after some investigation and time spent archiving, it seems that
> thunderbird with some 40000+ messages in this lazarus folder plus
> having firefox open were causing my system to consume too much memory
> and thus using swap... especially when i would open lazarus to do
> some coding or checking things out from posts in here... after
> archiving, it seems to have cut down on the amount of memory used so
> we'll see what happens now...
> OT, I have found that TB archives are unreliable with large volumes.
> Not that mails disappear (at least not that I know), but quick search
> tends to not find all the mails it should.
> -- Frederic Da Vitoria (davitof)

Compact Folders option seems to also help a lot.


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