[Lazarus] Lazarus (UTF8) and Windows: SysToUTF8, UTF8ToSys... Is there a better solution?

Marcos Douglas md at delfire.net
Sun Dec 15 20:47:09 CET 2013

On Sun, Dec 15, 2013 at 3:13 PM, Reinier Olislagers
<reinierolislagers at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 15/12/2013 16:25, Marcos Douglas wrote:
>> On Sun, Dec 15, 2013 at 1:08 PM, Bart <bartjunk64 at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> So for basic stuff all this is already taken care of.
>> Only in Lazarus' context... but I have some components that is only
>> FPC's context.
>> These components do not use Lazarus' routines and that is the BIG
>> problem. I need to "remember" in pass only ANSI strings for these
>> components as remember to convert the component's output string
>> results to use in Lazarus.
> Why not just include a project reference to LCLBase (IIRC that should be
> enough) and just always use the LCL units until FPC catches up?

You propose include LCL in packages that not have LCL references and
change all code of these packages to use UTF8 functions??

I think didn't understand what you proposed...

Best regards,
Marcos Douglas

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