[Lazarus] package source paths / directories

Mattias Gaertner nc-gaertnma at netcologne.de
Thu Dec 19 12:52:15 CET 2013

> Frederic Da Vitoria <davitofrg at gmail.com> hat am 19. Dezember 2013 um 12:09
> geschrieben:
> Hello,
> I am trying to use the MultiLog package. I installed the MultiLog package in
> Lazarus. I can easily create and use a demo project if the project is in
> MultiLog's source directory. But if I try to use MultiLog in a project
> situated in another directory, FPC can't find MultiLog's units when I put them
> in the uses clause. Of course I could add MultlLog's path to my project's
> "Other unit files" (I checked, it woks), but I find this not user-friendly
> (the "user" here is me :-) ), because I'd have to do the same in all the
> projects where I'd want to use MultiLog. I could also put the MultiLog source
> in the Lazarus path, but I don't like this idea. I'd rather set the path in
> the package somehow and let Lazarus transmit this path to FPC, if possible.
> I tried setting the MultiLog package's "Unit" zone to $(PkgOutDir);$(PkgDir)
> but aborted installation after a few error messages.
> I tried setting the MultiLog package's "Object" zone to $(PkgDir) but this did
> not help.
> Is there a solution or is what I am hoping for currently impossible?

One of the main ideas of Lazarus packages is that you only add the package to
your project and the IDE sets the search paths automatically.
In fact many error messages and concistency checks assume that you do that.
That's why many Lazarus projects and packages seems to have no search paths.

You can add MultiLog to your project either via the Project Inspector, or via
IDE menu
Package -> Open Recent Package -> multilog.lpk (this opens the package editor)
-> click on Use -> Add to project. Close the package editor.


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