[Lazarus] Help with algorithm

Etienne Leblois etienne.leblois at free.fr
Sat Dec 21 11:43:35 CET 2013

Greetings from Lyon, France,

In this kind of transformation, a *reverse* procedure to fill in the 
result from the source is typically needed with signature like

type TReverseProj = object
    // parameters to memorize
   procedure set( { some parameters} );
   procedure reverse(target_line, target_column :integer ; var 
source_line, source_column :integer);

procedure TReverseProj.set( { some parameters} );
   // setting the parameters for the reverse transformation

procedure TReverseProj.reverse(target_line, target_column :integer ; var 
source_line, source_column :integer);
   // applying the reverse transformation

It is likely that the source position for "same_line_next 
column_in_target" can be written more simply that the full reverse (to 
be checked in equations, write on a paper reverse for (i,j) and (i,j+1) 
and see what is the difference).

To take benefit of this the last returned position must be memorized in 
the object and a routine added with signature like

procedure TReverseProj.shift_tarjet_cell(var 
source_line_for_shifted_cell, source_column_for_shifted_cell :integer);
   // shifting source according to the shift in cell

So the full reverse will be called only at the begin of each line

For generality calculation and storage must be handled in floating point 
(single, double...) ; just the result is rounded.



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