[Lazarus] Lazarus (UTF8) and Windows: SysToUTF8, UTF8ToSys... Is there a better solution?

Marcos Douglas md at delfire.net
Sat Dec 28 14:35:58 CET 2013

On Sat, Dec 28, 2013 at 11:09 AM, Florian Klämpfl
<florian at freepascal.org> wrote:
> Am 28.12.2013 13:39, schrieb Marcos Douglas:
>>> If they leave Delphi compatibility, they normally don't go for a
>>> marginal oss compiler.
>> So you're saying that FPC cannot survive without Delphi?
> Define survive.

To remain alive or in existence.

> But I'am saying indeed that FPC's usage would drop
> significantly if Delphi wouldn't be around anymore. A few years it might
> increase because people would use FPC to rescue old sources but after
> that FPC's usage would probably decay significantly.

Well, this is very frustrating... and even more because you, the FPC
main developer, wrote. :-(

Marcos Douglas

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