[Lazarus] Beyond Compare 4 built with Lazarus 1.2

Jürgen Hestermann juergen.hestermann at gmx.de
Sat Dec 28 17:43:49 CET 2013

 >> 1. How can I make programs on Windows using FPC and Lazarus without problems with Unicode stuff?
 > What problems would those be?

The first problem is already to get an overview about all possible
ways to do it. There are *a lot* of different functions available
from *a lot* of different units which all have their own features
and drawbacks.

 > I've implemented UTF-8 methods in fpGUI that wrap some RTL methods -
 > similar I believe to what LCL does. Granted my Unicode needs are not
 > that great, but I have had users of 8 different languages test Unicode
 > support. It all worked well, or at least it was easy for me to fix any
 > issues that cropped up in the tests.

How do you do UTF8 string sorting in Windows with correct locale?

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