[Lazarus] Trunk: problems running lazbuild to crosscompile Win x64 LCL
Reinier Olislagers
reinierolislagers at gmail.com
Wed Feb 13 15:19:03 CET 2013
fpcup tries to build an x64 LCL on Windows after having built the
compiler, a bigide etc.
For that it uses lazbuild --cpu=x86_64 --os=win64 with the proper
primary config path to build lcl\interfaces\lcl.lpk
This used to work fine.
However, when trying it just now it failed, both with FPC trunk and 2.6.
I noticed there were some commits regarding package order etc. Should I
modify my code?
Attached the relevant command and output. Compiling a 64 bit
application (+LCL) from within the IDE works well.
-------------- next part --------------
Info: Lazarus: running make distclean (OS_TARGET=win64/CPU_TARGET=x86_64):
Info: TLazarusCrossInstaller: building module LCL...
Info: Lazarus: compiling LCL for x86_64-win64 using lazbuild
Info: ERROR running C:\development\lazarus_fpctrunk\lazbuild.exe "--pcp=c:\devel
opment\lazarussettings_fpctrunk" "--cpu=x86_64" "--os=win64" "lcl\interfaces\lcl
Info: Command returned non-zero ExitStatus: 2
Info: Command path set to: C:\development\fpctrunk\bin\i386-win32;C:\development
Info: Command current directory: C:\development\lazarus_fpctrunk
Info: Command output:
Info: SetPrimaryConfigPath NewValue="c:\development\lazarussettings_fpctrunk" ->
primary config path: C:\development\lazarussettings_fpctrunk\
TLazPackageGraph.CheckIfCurPkgOutDirNeedsCompile Missing state file for LCL 1.0
.1: C:\development\lazarus_fpctrunk\lcl\units\x86_64-win64\win32\LCL.compiled
[TExternalToolList.Run] CmdLine="C:\development\fpctrunk\bin\i386-win32\fpc.exe
-B -MObjFPC -Scghi -O1 -Twin64 -Px86_64 -g -gl -vewnhi -FiC:\development\lazaru
s_fpctrunk\lcl\interfaces\win32 -FuC:\development\lazarus_fpctrunk\lcl\interface
s\win32 -FuC:\development\lazarus_fpctrunk\packager\units\x86_64-win64 -FuC:\dev
elopment\lazarus_fpctrunk\components\lazutils\lib\x86_64-win64 -FuC:\development
\lazarus_fpctrunk\lcl\units\x86_64-win64 -FuC:\development\lazarus_fpctrunk\lcl\
interfaces\ -FUC:\development\lazarus_fpctrunk\lcl\units\x86_64-win64\win32\ -l
-vm5044 lcl.pas" WorkDir="C:\development\lazarus_fpctrunk\lcl\interfaces\"
Hint: Start of reading config file C:\development\fpctrunk\bin\i386-win32\fpc.cf
Hint: End of reading config file C:\development\fpctrunk\bin\i386-win32\fpc.cfg
Free Pascal Compiler version 2.7.1 [2013/02/13] for x86_64
Copyright (c) 1993-2013 by Florian Klaempfl and others
Target OS: Win64 for x64
Compiling lcl.pas
Compiling .\win32\alllclintfunits.pas
Compiling .\win32\win32wsdialogs.pp
win32wsdialogs.pp(41,3) Fatal: Can't find unit LCLProc used by Win32WSDialogs
TExternalToolList.Run Exception: C:\development\lazarus_fpctrunk\lcl\interfaces\
win32\win32wsdialogs.pp(41,3) Fatal: Can't find unit LCLProc used by Win32WSDial
ERROR: tool reported error
Info: Lazarus: error compiling LCL for x86_64-win64
Info: Error running fpcup. Technical details: error executing sequence crosswin3
2-64; line: 7, param: LCL
Info: Error running fpcup. Technical details: error executing sequence DefaultWi
n32; line: 9, param: crosswin32-64
FPCUp failed.
Please check log for details. Possible troubleshooting steps:
- make sure there's a valid SVN executable in your path.
- try removing all intermediate files by running fpcup with the --clean option
and/or manually deleting *.ppu/*.a/*.o followed by svn up
- if that does not work: use the --uninstall option to remove all files (includi
ng your FPC and lazarus directories)
- remove the bootstrap compiler. fpcup will download it if required.
Info: 13-2-2013 14:36:43: fpcup finished.
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