[Lazarus] Buttons in frames

Mark Morgan Lloyd markMLl.lazarus at telemetry.co.uk
Sun Feb 3 14:13:21 CET 2013

Mattias Gaertner wrote:

>>>> but I now have two tabbed panes in my source editor: "DbConfigCode2" and 
>>>> "DbConfigCode2(2)" with the latter focussed.
>>> And that's where you loose me. 
>>> Why should /usr/local/src/inifiles/trunk/dbconfigcode2.pas be open in
>>> the editor? From the project's point of view it is an unrelated file.
>> You tell me! But the IDE opens a new tab/pane, and that's the whole 
>> point I'm trying to make!
> Sorry. 
> The IDE does not resolve symlinks in paths. That means if the IDE
> opens a wrong file, then it does so, even if the two directories were
> copies instead of symlinks. Your talk about a problem with symlinks
> mislead me.

Don't worry, it was some while before I started focusing on what the 
real problem was.

To add context for the error message, the error I've forced in looks like

type    TDbConfigInit= procedure(confFrame: TDbConfigFrame; init: 
boolean= true);
         TDbConfigRead= function(confFrame: TDbConfigFrame; mr: 
TModalResult): boolean;

ty pe	// Line 22

   { TDbConfigFrame }

   TDbConfigFrame = class(TFrame)

> So, let's forget the symlinks and find out why the IDE opens the wrong
> file.
> Please confirm:
> The messages window shows an error on the file
> /usr/local/src/heavywethers/inifiles/trunk/dbconfigcode2.pas

Fatal: Syntax error, "=" expected but "identifier PE" found

> but the source editor opens the file
> /usr/local/src/inifiles/trunk/dbconfigcode2.pas
> Right?

I think so, or at the very least it opens a new tab/pane so that I've 
now got tabs labeled "DbConfigCode2" and "DbConfigCode2(2)". 
"Information about the IDE" tells me

Project.SomethingModified Session

Project units:
./../inifiles/trunk/dbconfigcode2.pas SessionModified
Project units:
./../inifiles/trunk/dbconfigcode.pas SessionModified

which based on the project directory being 
/usr/local/src/heavywethers/trunk implies 
/usr/local/src/inifiles/trunk/dbconfigcode2.pas (I'm trying to be 
cautious jumping to conclusions here).

Source -> Unit Information -> General on the new DbConfigCode2(2) tab 
tells me /usr/local/src/heavywethers/inifiles/trunk/dbconfigcode2.pas 
[manual transcript] which is what the file should be. ... Unit paths 
refers to /usr/local/src/heavywethers/inifiles/trunk which is OK. Source 
paths ditto.

But Source -> Unit Information -> General on the original DbConfigCode2 
tab tells me it's /usr/local/src/inifiles/trunk/dbconfigcode2.pas which 
is wrong.

I need to be very cautious about jumping to any conclusions over this 
(having already been wrong once), but it looks as though the compiler is 
getting and reporting the right path

Compiling /usr/local/src/heavywethers/inifiles/trunk/dbconfigcode2.pas

but the IDE at some earlier stage has resolved it to 
/usr/local/src/inifiles/trunk/dbconfigcode2.pas which it shouldn't. That 
actually fits my experience that given that sort of duplicate tab it's 
safer to close the older one.

If I close the older tab/pane, save-all and terminate then restart, the 
one tab that's displayed relating to that file has the correct name 

I think it's worth noting that since I updated this copy of the IDE etc. 
to trunk (i.e. rather than it being a couple of weeks old) I'm seeing 
additional startup warnings

FindMissingClass DbConfigFrame1:TDbConfigFrame IsInherited=False
TLazSourceFileManager.LoadLFM loading nested class TDbConfigFrame needed 
by /usr/local/src/inifiles/trunk/dbconfigcode.pas

However I think that's something to do with the non-working OnClick 
which I'll get back to presently, this business with tab/pane 
duplication is at least a few weeks old.

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. telemetry.co .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]

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