[Lazarus] Ide add-ons licensing issue

Alexsander Rosa alexsander.rosa at gmail.com
Sat Feb 23 18:05:07 CET 2013

Just send the components along with your source code.
Add some kind of README.TXT explaining:
1) the requirements (Lazarus and FPC versions, etc) PLUS your components
2) step-by-step instructions to install your custom components on Lazarus.
If they can't do that, they should not be messing with your code anyway...

2013/2/23 Giuliano Colla <giuliano.colla at fastwebnet.it>

> It's my company policy to provide our customers the source code of the
> applications, with a licensing condition which specify that the source code
> is provided only for customer convenience and reference.
> In some special cases, the customer can make small himself modifications,
> with our authorization, and the license is modified accordingly.
> In those cases the customer is also informed of the Lazarus and fpc
> version used for the original compilation, to avoid any compatibility
> problem.
> It's clear to me that our source code carries our license, while Lazarus
> and fpc come with GPL license.
> But what if we have some packages, which are not only run-time, but also
> design-time, and which we must deploy in order to make our customer able to
> recompile the program?
> They're not of general interest, so it doesn't make sense to contribute
> them to the Lazarus community (with one of them I tried, but it was
> rejected, as too specific). They're just in our hands, and they must be
> added to Lazarus IDE just for our applications.
> Common sense tells me that they should GPL'd too, but I'd like to be
> comforted by a knowledgeable opinion.
> Thanks,
> Giuliano
Alexsander da Rosa
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