[Lazarus] IDE

Graeme Geldenhuys graeme at geldenhuys.co.uk
Mon Jan 21 21:43:24 CET 2013

On 01/21/13 17:44, Timothy Groves wrote:
> The IDE just seems to get buggier and buggier the longer I use it.

I feel your pain - my experience is exactly the same. I have now revert
all the way back to (I could probably try .4 too).

With 1.0.2, 1.0.4 and 1.0.5 I can all sorts of problems.

- I can nagivate (Click+LClick) code which I used to do
- I get focus issues with editor window and main window
- The latest is key mappings that go bonkers until I restart the IDE
   eg: Ctrl+O (open file) stops working
       Ctrl+H (jump back to previous navigation point) stops working
...and lots more...

All these occur on multiple systems too, so don't blame my setup. I
have tried Ubuntu 10.04 (Gnome2), 12.04 (Unity) and FreeBSD 9.1 (JWM).

I know it is only your pet/hobby project you work in in your spare time,
but take some pride in what you develop. Take a step back and see what a
buggy mess you guys are making. Spend some quality time and fix things
instead of adding the latest and greatest buggy feature.

  - Graeme -

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