[Lazarus] Check if an abstract method is implemented or not

Fei Valentain fielamia at gmail.com
Thu Jan 24 09:18:57 CET 2013

Hi, I don't test it in fp. But in Delphi I just create virtual method with
empty body in this situation.
24.01.2013 15:11 пользователь "xrfang" <xrfang at gmail.com> написал:

> Hi All,
> I wrote a TPainter abstract class, and a TPaintRect class.  In the
> TPaintRect class I have this code:
> procedure TPaintRect.OnMouseEnter(Sender: TObject);
> var
>   i: Integer;
>   p: TPainter;
> begin
>   for i := 0 to painters.Count - 1 do begin
>     p := TPainter(painters.Objects[i]);
>     try
>       p.OnMouseEnter(Sender);
>     except on EAbstractError do ; end;
>   end;
>   if Assigned(FOnMouseEnter) then FOnMouseEnter(Sender);
> end;
> While running in IDE, the program will crash because OnMouseEnter is
> abstract.
> My problems are:
> 1) As I already wrapped it with try-except, I hope it won't trigger IDE
> exception. But even I turn off "Notify on Lazarus Exception" in debugger
> options it still pops up, and the popup said RunError(211), NOT
> EAbstractError.  The program runs well outside of IDE.
> 2) Is there a way to detect if an abstract method is implemented or not,
> without trying to call it and try...except?
> Thanks,
> Shannon
> --
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