[Lazarus] Accents in IDE and my apps

Éderson Cássio ederson_cassio at yahoo.com.br
Sat Jul 13 00:36:26 CEST 2013

I wrote on this thread because I'd like to help to improve Lazarus code as I find problems with it.

It was a problem for which I could produce a solution in the LCL code, but Mattias Gaertner said me the problem doesn't occur on all systems. Well, I found one situation when the problem occurs, on my system. 

It's not only a "my system" problem, it's a problem in the way the GTK2 Lazarus widgetset interacts with some systems (including mine). I say that because other GTK2 applications have a normal behavior, even Lazarus applications when my system language is "English". Maybe an "if" would solve the problem; I just want to keep talking to someone who can guide me in the LCL changes without causing disasters. Mattias gave me an advice (thanks!), and I have found a new direction. 

 De: waldo kitty <wkitty42 at windstream.net>
Para: lazarus at lists.lazarus.freepascal.org 
Enviadas: Sexta-feira, 12 de Julho de 2013 10:38
Assunto: Re: [Lazarus] Accents in IDE and my apps

On 7/12/2013 00:05, Éderson Cássio wrote:
> Hello, guys.
> I've just found that the duplicated accents problem in GTK2 only occurs when I
> configure my system language to Brazilian Portuguese.
> The problem happens with any keyboard layout, just like the Brazilian layout and
> even with the US International.
> Any ideas?
> Thanks
> Éderson Cássio - Brazil

other than thoughts about your thread hijacking attempt? nope... no ideas at 
all... perhaps you meant to post this another thread specific to your keyboard 
problem topic? perhaps you meant to start a new thread? ;) ;) ;)

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