[Lazarus] Lazarus season of code page out of date

Reinier Olislagers reinierolislagers at gmail.com
Fri Jun 7 10:41:47 CEST 2013

Hi list,

The tasks in this list

seem a bit out of date/vague e.g.

Start a Java port of Free Pascal, generating assembler for Jasmin. The
compiler should support units, procedures, records, arrays and all
numeric data types. The RTL should support WriteLn and ReadLn.
=> already done?

Fix most bugs regarding documentation display and lhelp.
=> is this solved? Failing LCL help doc generation is presumably another

Implement the new Unicode String Type and the RTL Unicode Support.
=> isn't this being worked on as we speak?
"EUR100 for part 1"=>what is part 1

Create and integrate internet package database as server web pages and
as tool for direct access and management from IDE.
=> what is an "internet package database"? Actually, I have no idea what
is actually meant here...

Perhaps the people involved (Felipe?) could look at it?


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