[Lazarus] New compiler options page "Additions and Overrides"

Mattias Gaertner nc-gaertnma at netcologne.de
Fri Jun 7 14:57:32 CEST 2013

On Fri, 07 Jun 2013 14:17:47 +0200
Michael Schnell <mschnell at lumino.de> wrote:

> E.g.:
> Below the picture "The page contains a matrix of build options":
> The multiple "custom options", "output directory", and "IDE Macros" 
> setting within any target can be switched on and off separately for each 
> build mode.
> Thus, for each target, there is a Matrix of enabling check boxes.
> The vertical words in the header show all the Build Modes that are 
> currently defined, and by this they denote the column in the matrices.
> At the right side of each row of any matrix, the description of the type 
> (such as "Custom"<Option>, "OutDir", or "IDE Macro" ) and the value of 
> the option to be enabled, is given.

Thanks. I added them as Overview.


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