[Lazarus] New compiler options page "Additions and Overrides"

Martin lazarus at mfriebe.de
Sat Jun 8 15:59:10 CEST 2013

On 08/06/2013 14:38, Mattias Gaertner wrote:
>> It is not practical because the plan is to have Debug and Release
>> modes by default. They are useful for anyone.
> I doubt that. See Michael's, Dodi's and my mails.

Which ones?

There are many mails from 2 Michaels...

Michael Van Canneyt  wrote a mail, that I am not sure what exactly he 
meant was not needed by less experienced users.

On 08/06/2013 09:49, Michael Van Canneyt wrote:
> I can see why you're making this new page.
> But this new page only makes sense when you use different build modes:
> For build modes, I think it is an elegant solution that lets you see 
> in one glance, what options are used in the various modes.
> But build modes I consider something that only experts or powerusers 
> will use, those who do many builds for different targets/platforms.
build modes here are in context of target/platform. Looking at the last 
statement, I am not sure this includes/excludes debug/release
> The normal, casual user does not need this.
"This" the new page, or build modes ?

> For a casual user, the 'old' interface is clear, simple and accessible.
This old interface already had build modes.

Maybe Michael can clarify.

DoDi wrote
> At least there should exist a Lazarus version for beginners, that 
> allows to e.g. evaluate Lazarus/FPC without studying usage 
> instructions for a long time.
> Don't forget the audience that should *start* using Lazarus, what's 
> their background (previously used IDE...). 

This again leaves the question if it is just the new features, or would 
include a pre-defined debug/release build mode.

In fact a debug/release build mode might help *some* (probably not a 
huge amount, but some) people, when it comes to the size of the exe....

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