[Lazarus] Blinks when clicks in a tab editor

Graeme Geldenhuys graeme at geldenhuys.co.uk
Mon Jun 10 16:32:52 CEST 2013

On 2013-06-10 09:34, Mattias Gaertner wrote:
> I found a suspicious gtk2 draw call and disabled it.
> Please test with 41658.

It's better... ie: not every tab switch causes the white flash. But
switching between some times, and depending on direction of tab switch,
it still flashes white. I'm trying to find a pattern. So far if a tab
causes a flash, it is always that tab, an then the opposite is true too.

[...few minutes of playing with IDE...]

OK, if my project session is saved with 8 tabs open, and I restart the
IDE and my previous opened tabs are loaded... no white flashes occur
switch between any or those 8 tabs. This is an improvement to how it was
before. If I now open new tabs by clicking on the Project Inspector or
on the listed files in a Package, and then switching to or from those
newly opened files, will cause the white flashing again. It will also
introduce one or two white flashes between the existing 8 open tabs I
had. Say I now have 15 open tabs. Now if I save my project (with info of
opened files), and the restart the IDE. Now all 15 tabs will not cause a
white flash. Opening new files or closing any tabs, will randomly start
the white flashing again.

I wish I can "unlike" Marco Douglas's original message. :) Since he
mentioned it, I now notice the damn white flashes again! :-/

  - Graeme -

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