[Lazarus] tiOPF: Repository migrated to Git

Graeme Geldenhuys graeme at geldenhuys.co.uk
Fri Mar 1 10:16:23 CET 2013


In case there are anybody using tiOPF, please note the following. I'll
also update the Free Pascal wiki in the next few minutes.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Repository migrated to Git
Date: Wed, 27 Feb 2013 19:43:33 +0000
From: Graeme Geldenhuys
Newsgroups: tiopf.development,tiopf.support,tiopf.general


As discussed some months ago, I have finally made the move. After
various attempts, to see what is the best possible solution, I found
something that works.

Due to our very odd SubVersion repository layout, it made the migration
rather difficult.

Anyway, you can checkout the new repository as follows:

  git clone git://tiopf.git.sourceforge.net/gitroot/tiopf/tiopf

This will create a 'tiopf' directory will the repository inside.

  tiOPF users that have read-write access to SubVersion must use the
  following syntax to get read-write access to the Git repository:

  git clone ssh://[username]@tiopf.git.sourceforge.net/gitroot/tiopf/tiopf

  ...replacing [username] with your SourceForge username.

It will download +-19MB. You will then have the main tiOPF repository
that contains 4 branches.

  master - contains nothing, but a readme file. This is equivalent to
           what Trunk (in SubVersion terms) would be. But that is just
           a guideline. Due to the nature of the migration, we will
           not be using this branch for development work.
  tiopf1 - Contains the tiOPF version 1 code. No history because there
           was none, when did the conversion from Team Coherence to
           SubVersion, many years back.
  tiopf2 - Contains the tiOPF version 2 code, with all its history.
  tiopf3 - Contains the tiOPF version 3 code, with all its history.

Once you cloned the repository, git will leave you in the 'master'
branch. To switch to another branch, simply run:

  git checkout <branch_name>

  git checkout tiopf2
  git checkout tiopf3

I've also decided to split the old SubVersion repository into multiple
Git repositories as follows:

   tiopf          - the main source code repository, as described above
   tiopf_docs     - the unit and class documentation
   tiopf_3rdparty - a snapshot of the latest code of the 3rdParty
                    directory. I noticed that tiOPF3 also has a copy
                    of this. I might remove that later. This will not
                    be maintained, and hopefully later get phased out.
                    Most of those components are rather out of date
   tiopf_apps     - this will contain the support apps of tiOPF. Things
                    like the tiSQLEditor, our old Mailing List software
   tiopf_website  - the HTML source for our website.
   tiopf_scripts  - Build scripts (not 100% sure if this is still

At the moment I only have the 'tiopf' repository done. The others will
follow in the next few days.

I'll soon post a short message showing the basic usage of git, and a
small typical workflow. There are 1000's of great articles and free
eBooks on Git though. To get started with git, you only need about 5 git
commands, and can learn the rest if and when needed. Many Windows users
will probably opt for TortoiseGit, but that is not required, as the
official Git install includes excellent command line and GUI tools as
standard. The Windows installer also asks if you want Windows Shell
integration for the GUI git tools.

Git Downloads:

Git Documentation, Tutorials and Videos:

The SubVersion repository is still active. I'll ask SourceForge to mark
it as read-only soon. Then after a few months, we can remove it completely.

  - Graeme -
----------------------[ end ]-------------------------

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